Recent Books

  • Panegyric

    Price: Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $11.95.

    Volumes 1 & 2
    Guy Debord
    Guy Debord, as founding and pivotal figure of the Situationist International, pursued one of the 20th century’s most arch and exciting assaults on modern life. His 1967 Society of the Spectacle (followed, twenty years later, by Comments on the Society of the Spectacle) was a fierce critique of late-capitalist culture and became the signal text for those involved in the political events of May 1968 and beyond.

    Panegyric is Debord’s audacious autobiography, and here for the first time in English is the second, beautifully illustrated volume published together with the spare and classical text of the first. A rare combination of poetry and precision, it tells of something even rarer: a life that refused to adjust to the dominant malignancies of its time.
    Panegyric is Debord’s autobiography; here for the first time in English is the second volume, published together with the spare text of the first....

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  • Dead Cities

    Price: $27.95

    Dead Cities
    A Natural History
    Mike Davis

    An urban theorist explores the combat zone that is contemporary urban America. Using environmental science as his frame of understanding, Davis examines themes of urban life today—white flight, deindustrialization, housing and job segregation and discrimination—and looks at areas he calls “national sacrifice zones,” military landscapes that warfare simulation and arms production have rendered uninhabitable.

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  • Villains Of All Nations

    Price: Original price was: $17.00.Current price is: $12.95.

    Villains of All Nations
    Atlantic Pirates In The Golden Age
    Marcus Rediker

    Villains of All Nations is a people’s history of piracy—a history that emphasizes how common seamen who turned pirate built for themselves a multicultural, democratic and egalitarian society. This vivid social history of Atlantic piracy focuses on its colorful Golden Age, from 1716 to 1726, the age of the dreaded black flag, the Jolly Roger, as well as swashbuckling figures such as Edward Teach, better known, of course, as Blackbeard. These “outcasts of all nations” imagined—and succeeded in forging—a better world than they had found on the merchant and naval ships on which they had previously worked: they democratically elected their officers, divided their booty in egalitarian way, and fought against the common vicious abuse of sailors. The historical truth about what pirates actually did proves more compelling than the romantic fiction that has grown up around them.
    “No one who is interested in the history of the eighteenth century can afford to ignore this book.”...

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  • The Art of Free Cooperation

    Price: $20.00

    The Art of Free Cooperation
    Edited by Geert Lovink and Trebor Scholz

    This book takes an inventory of the art of collaborative practice, surveys the landscape of new, cooperation-enhancing technologies, and renders the inner workings of cooperative processes as a new model for social movements. Civic participation is on the decline, but, online, more people work together than ever before. Activists contribute citizen journalism. New media artists create social online tools and urge others to participate. Knowledge collectives gather information in large, open repositories. Free culture — with all its file-sharing applications — is blossoming. Contributors Howard Rheingold, Christoph Spehr, Brian Holmes, Geert Lovink and Trebor Scholz link the debates about web-based, cooperation-enhancing technologies to the broader world of political activism.

    This book and its accompanying DVD emerge out of intensive debates at the Free Cooperation conference in 2004 at the State University of New York at Buffalo facilitated by Scholz and Lovink.

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  • An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire

    Price: $12.00

    An Ordinary Person’s Guide to Empire
    Arundhati RoyArundhati Roy offers a lucid briefing on what the Bush administration really means by “compassionate conservativism” and “the war on terror.” In An Ordinary Person’s Guide to Empire, Roy skewers the hypocrisy of this more-democratic-than-thou clan and its cohorts, but more importantly she reminds us that we hold the power to counter tyranny—in all of its forms—in our own hands.

    Focusing on the disastrous US occupation of Iraq, Roy urges us to recognize and apply this authority, urging US dockworkers to refuse to load materials heading for Iraq; reservists to reject their call-ups; and activists to organize boycotts of Halliburton. Roy also calls on people in other countries to resist working as “janitor-soldiers,” and leave the detritus of the US invasion untouched.

    Roy’s Ordinary Person’s Guide to Empire also offers sharp theoretical tools for understanding the New American Empire—a dangerous paradigm, Roy argues here, that is entirely distinct from the imperialism of the British or even the New World Order of George Bush the elder....

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  • Power Politics

    Price: $12.00

    Power Politics
    Updated Edition
    Arundhati Roy
    Arundhati Roy, the internationally acclaimed author of The God of Small Things, explores the politics of writing and the human and environmental costs of development in Power Politics. Roy challenges the idea that only experts can speak out on such urgent matters as nuclear war, the privatization of India’s power supply by Enron—now the center of a major national controversy over its corrupt business practices— and the construction of monumental dams in India, which will dislocate millions of people. “If [Roy] continues to upset the globalization applecart like a Tom Paine pamphleteer, she will either be greatly honored or thrown in jail,” wrote Pawl Hawken in Wired Magazine.

    When the US responded to the unconscionable attacks of September 11 by preparing to wage a war on Afghanistan, Roy wrote an internationally acclaimed essay, “The Algebra of Infinite Justice,” calling on the world not to use violence against innocent people in Afghanistan....

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