Domain Errors!


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Domain Errors!
Cyberfeminist Practices
Maria Fernandez, Faith Wilding and Michelle M. Wright, editors

Part performative intervention, part radical polemic and activist manual, Domain Errors! Cyberfeminist Practices introduces a diverse international group of feminist writers, artists, theorists, and activists engaged in formulating a contestational politics for tactical cyberfeminism. This recombinant book highlights productive intersections of feminist and postcolonial discourses through critical analyses of the embodied politics of digital culture. Opening areas repressed in previous cyberfeminist discourses, the authors map contemporary social relations between women as they are mediated and transformed by digital and bio technologies. “If you want another e-feminist volume rehashing Lacan, weaving as metaphor, or the icon as on-line identity, don’t buy this book. These cyberfeminisists take no prisoners as they march through the virtual territories of postcolonial power vectors in an attempt to establish living models of resistance. Lock and load, ladies!” Critical Art Ensemble Table of Contents Introduction: Practicing Cyberfeminisms subRosa & The Editors I. Racism and Cyberfeminism in the Integrated Circuit Situating Cyberfeminisms Maria Fernandez and Faith Wilding Cyberfeminism, Racism, Embodiment Maria Fernandez Racism, Technology, and The Limits of Western Knowledge Michelle M. Wright Race in the Construct, or the Construction of Race: New Media and Old Identities in “The Matrix” Lisa Nakamura Moscow: Fortress City Irina Aristarkhova The Woman Question: Addressing Women as Internet Users Susanna Paasonen “Analoging” the Digital, Digitizing the Analog: Contemplations on Communities of Production and Virtuality Rhadika Gajjala and Annapurna Mamidipudi II. The Female Flesh Commodities Lab InVisible/Body: Notes on Biotechnologies’ Vision Lucia Sommer of maps and holes Lucia Sommer Stolen Rhetoric: The Appropriation of Choice by ART Industries subRosa Vulvas with a Difference Faith Wilding Hands-on Reiki Christina Hung A Summary History of Eugenic Theories and Practices in the United States Emily de Araujo and Lucia Sommer The Cyborg Mommy User’s Manual Pattie Belle Hastings So You Wanna be a Cyborg Mommy? Queer Identity and New Reproductive Technologies Tania Kupczak Inside Infertility Amelia Jones Sex and Gender Ed for the Biotech Century subRosa TimelineS: Production/Reproduction and Children-as-Commodities in the United States Lucia Sommer III. Research! Action! Embodiment! Conviviality! subRosa Manifestations Making Babies the American Girl® Way Terri Kapsalis, with photographs by Claire Pentecost Happy Endings: Engagements with Women Artists in Singapore Irina Aristarkhova Cybernetic Social Space Nell Tenhaaf Embodiment and the Politics of Healing: Interview with Reiki Master, Kate Daher Maria Fernandez Consider a New Career Hyla Willis Rant of the Menopausal Cyborg Faith Wilding Refugia! Manifesto for Becoming Autonomous Zones (BAZ) subRosa Appendices Contributors subRosa’s Selected Bibliography

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