Table of ContentsAcknowledgementsSeries PrefaceIntroductionPt. I Origins1 Questions of Law in Marx’s Capital 32 Friedrich Engels and Karl Kautsky as Critics of “Legal Socialism” 113 The Concept of Justice in Marx, Engels, and Others 43Pt. II Boundaries4 Marxism and Natural Law 615 “Kelsenism” and Marxism 896 The Historical Concept in the Science of Law of the XXth Century 109Pt. III Trends7 A Marxist Theory of Law? 1518 Pashukanis and the Commodity Form Theory 1799 Lukacs and Law 20110 Soviet Critique of the “Bourgeois” Philosophy of Law 20911 Marxism and the Law: Preliminary Analyses 233Pt. IV Contemporary Issues12 The Notion of Law 26113 Law and Morality from a Marxist Point of View 27114 Idea of Equality and the Law 28715 Problems of Legality in Marxist Theory 29316 Rationality and the Objectification of Law 31317 The Old Law Cannot Be Critically Inherited, It Can Only Be Used as a Mirror 339Pt. V Perspectives for Socio-Legal Analysis18 The Social Limits of Law 34719 Towards a Sociological Concept of Law: An Analysis of Lukacs Ontology 36120 Marxist Perspectives in the Sociology of Law 37921 Marxism and Legal Pluralism 401Pt. VI Law and Ideology22 Ideological Changes and the Legal Structure: A Discussion of Socialist Experience 41923 The Ideology of Law: Advances and Problems in Recent Applications of the Concept of Ideology to the Analysis of Law 44124 The Place of Law in the Marxian Structure – Superstructure Archetype 46925 Liberty, Equality and the Conceptual Minimum of Legal Mediation 501Name Index 525
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