The Temple of Perseus at Panopolis
Peter Lamborn Wilson
Book as magpie’s nest or mosaic made up of bits of other books, this work aims to give a thick impression of a single Egyptian city, Akhmim, called by the Greeks Panopolis, “city of Pan.’’ As a time machine, this book will take the reader back to the 5th century AD, when the last champions of Paganism were battling against the coming triumph of Christianity. Alchemy, Magic, Gnosticism, Greco-Egyptian religion, psychotropic ritual and other syncretistic elements mingled to give birth to Hermeticism, a still-living tradtion which provides us with the means to appreciate the voyage we will make into a Past that is not dead.
6 x 9 trim, 398 pp., profusely illustrated
978-1-57027-300-1, $19.95 list price
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