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  • Letters of Insurgents

    Price: $7.95

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  • Bataille's Wound

    Price: $12.95

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  • Witness

    Price: $7.95

    “Wake up, darling.” More than fifty contributors bear witness to what they experienced in ’90s America — a political landscape marked by the media intensity of the O. J. Simpson trial, the resurgence of right-wing fanaticism, and the GOP’s Contract with America. The result: Startling work by Tony Kushner, Eileen Myles, Dale Peck, Sarah Schulman, and many more.

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  • The Origin of the Species

    Price: $11.95

    In this collection of poems, pop quizzes, and stories, Barg searches the forgotten niches of life. Dark corners hide moments of pleasure, pain, vulnerability, desire, and rage. She takes these moments into her room, undresses them, caresses them, and then fucks the hell out of them.

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  • The New Fuck You

    Price: $13.95

    Borrowing a name from the notorious ’60s Ed Sanders mag, Fuck You: A Magazine of the Arts, the editors have figured a way to rehone its countercultural and frictional stance with style and aplomb. A unique and provocative anthology of lesbian writing, guaranteed to soothe the soulful and savage the soulless. Includes Adele Bertei, Holly Hughes, Sapphire, Laurie Weeks, and many more.

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  • Leash

    Price: $12.95

    While her “current” spends the summer researching public housing in Stockholm, a moderately wealthy, object-oppressed, and terminally hip New York female of a certain age seeks adventure in the sedate dyke bars of lower Manhattan. Finding none, she answers a personal ad. She is ordered to put on a blindfold before the first meeting with the woman she knows only as “Sir.” Not knowing what someone looks like turns out to be freeing, as do the escalating constraints that alienate her not just from her former life but from her very conception of who she is. Part Georges Bataille, part Fran Leibowitz, this is the Story of O told with a self-referentially perverse sense of humor. Leash extends the logic of s/m to its inexorable and startling conclusion, darkly and hilariously revealing the masochistic impulse as the urge to disappear from the chores, obligations, and emotional vacuity of daily life.

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