Recent Books

  • Midnight Notes Goes To School

    Price: $6.00

    Midnight Notes Goes To School
    Report From the Zapatista Escuelita
    Midnight Notes Collective

    Out of the Mexican southeast, a new society is emerging,
    one based on communal lands, recuperation of indigenous
    culture, gender equality, cooperative self-defense,
    organic agriculture, and food, shelter, health and education for
    all. This historic project to build Zapatista Autonomous Good
    Governance — separate from the Mexican state and the capitalist
    market — has engaged hundreds of indigenous communities
    across Mexico’s Chiapas province, which stretches across terrain
    the size of Rhode Island, from mountain rain forests to pastoral
    valleys to lowland jungle. This Zapatista model of Autonomous
    Governance has slowly emerged as a beacon of hope across the
    hemisphere, and stands in stark contrast to the horrors offered
    by low-waged maquiladora development, the narco-economy,
    the brutalism of Latin American urban life and the US/UN neoliberal
    model exemplified by the military occupation of Haiti....

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  • Precarious Communism

    Price: $23.00

    Precarious Communism
    Manifest Mutations, Manifesto Detourned
    Richard Gilman-Opalsky

    How does one demonstrate the enduring relevance of a sacred text but to help it speak to present times? This is what churches do with the Bible and what Marxists do with the writings of Marx. Richard Gilman-Opalsky offers a book-length détournement of The Communist Manifesto as a loving blasphemy, as a grateful revolt, both for and against the original text. Gilman-Opalsky detourns the 1848 manifesto as an exploration of its ongoing applicability, as well as its failures, in relation to capitalism and its evolving crises. Precarious Communism explores long-form détournement as a tool for critical theory. But most importantly, Gilman-Opalsky’s new book is a mutant manifesto of its own that makes the case for an autonomist and millennial Marxism, for the many movements of precarious communism.

    “Precarious Communism offers a creative, convincing, and provocative rerouting of The Communist Manifesto, exploring the catastrophes of both statism and capitalism in a fresh new light....

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  • Astral Botanica

    Price: $15.00

    Astral Botanica
    Carl Watson
    “The esoteric and the exoteric co-exist in a B-Movie carnival of noir nocturnes where mortality is pondered and meaning is plumbed in wry and witty vignettes. Black humor laced with Victorian secrets, the clever conceits and cunning confessions of this Shakespearian steam-punk auteur will have you writhing with pleasure as he articulates his plight. Like Virgil, the venerable Carl Watson takes us on a mystical, mythical tour. Here, hope has been replaced by a sophisticated synthesis of emotions — of despair and delight — in what can only be called a triumph of style.’’—Jeffrey Cyphers Wright, author of Triple Crown: Three Crowns of Sonnets. Employment of the Apes and editor/publisher of Live Mag!

    “Carl Watson is a Steampunk Baudelaire, his genius a Last Exit To Nowhere Existentialism of sinisterly exotic thoughts. Both behind and ahead of his time; a futuristic-classicist, Watson’s richly reposited and rescued English language  butchers Corporate Clone-Speak , and reveals to us an Adamic namer-poet-seer of the cruelest nightmares slouching our way to be born .”—Alan Kaufman,...

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  • The Permanent Carnival

    Price: $14.00

    The Permanent Carnival
    Mitchel Cohen

    ... Read more about: The Permanent Carnival  »
  • Skulls Head Samba

    Price: $9.95

    Skulls Head Samba
    Eve Packer

    ... Read more about: Skulls Head Samba  »
  • Truth and Dare

    Price: $7.95

    Truth and Dare
    A Comic Book Curriculum for the End and the Beginning of the World!
    Quincy Saul and the Ecosocialist Horizons Collective

    “Truth and Dare: The world is ending,
    and the revolution has begun!”

    “Truth and Dare” is a comic book and a curriculum, a graphic novel and a gateway to further knowledge and action. With fifty pages of illustrations from nine different world-class artists, and a ten page curriculum and resource list, it is a crash course in world history, political economy, sociology, gender studies, ecology, climate change and the world-wide ecosocialist struggle for humanity and nature in the 21st century.

    Truth and Dare is written mostly by Quincy Saul, together with the Ecosocialist Horizons editorial collective, including Seth Tobocman, Fred Ho and Joel Kovel. It is illustrated by members of the World War Three Illustrated Collective, including Christopher Cardinale, Ethan Heitner, Seth Tobocman, Kate Evans, Paula Hewitt Amram,...

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