Recent Books

  • The Radical Bishop and Gay Consciousness

    Price: $15.95

    The Radical Bishop and Gay Consciousness
    The Passion of Mikhail Itkin
    Edited by Mark Aelred Sullivan Ian Young

    Bishop Mikhail Francis Itkin was known in the gay radical world as a non-violent anarchist and activist — as well as an independent openly-gay bishop. He was a stumbling block to radicals and a scandal to Christians. He was born into a Jewish family and fated — or chosen by the Spirit — to be a stirrer-up of discontent, a “ring-leader” of anarchists, and, indeed, a great reconciler of the contending forces within society and, indeed, within his own soul. This festschrift offers five appraisals of his life, and reprints excerpts from his The Radical Jesus and The Gay Anarchist.

    5.5’’x 8.5”

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  • "The Power of Neighborhood" and the Commons

    Price: $11.95

    “The Power of Neighborhood” and the Commons

    The anonymous Swiss author of bolo’bolo and Akiba offers a new practical proposal for reshaping the future, based on this prognosis of the present: “Our economic system is stumbling from one collapse to the next…Our system is fundamentally flawed and destabilized by internal contradictions. To point out one of them: income can only be generated by work, but work is getting scarce at the moment and will become even scarcer in the future. Thus the “purchasing power” that capital needs to realize value is strangulated by itself. These contradictions are being deferred into the future by financial manipulations…The metaphor of the train racing towards an abyss and the need to pull the emergency brake must spring to mind. Since the braking distance has meanwhile become longer than the distance to the abyss, we have to think in terms of parachutes.’’

    9’’x 6”

    ... Read more about: “The Power of Neighborhood” and the Commons  »
  • Devil's Anarchy, (second edition)

    Price: $12.95

    The Devil’s Anarchy (second edition)
    The Sea Robberies of the Most Famous Pirate Claes G. Compaen & The Very Remarkable Travels of Jan Erasmus Reyning, Buccaneer
    Stephen Snelders
    By rebelling against hierarchical society and living under the Jolly Roger, pirates created an upside-down world of anarchist organization and festival, with violence and death ever-present. This creation was not a purely whimsical process. In The Devil’s Anarchy, Stephen Snelders examines rare 17th-century Dutch pirate histories to show the continuity of a shared pirate culture, embodied in its modes of organization, methods of distributing booty and resolving disputes, and tendencies for high living. Focussing on the careers of Claes Compaen, a cunning, charismatic renegado who claimed to have stolen more than 350 vessels, and Jan Erasmus Reyning, who hit the seas at age 12 and became a buccaneer in the pirate jungles of Santo Domingo, Snelders paints a salty picture of the excesses, contradictions, and liberatory joys of pirate life....

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  • Kali's Day

    Price: $15.95

    Kali’s Day
    Bonny Finberg

    In Kali’s Day, a dysfunctional Manhattan family—cross-dressing father, pot-dealing stepmother and thrill-seeking, graffiti-artist daughter—go on a trip to Nepal, where they take
    different spiritual paths, some leading to insanity and prison, others to sainthood.

    “This is a beautiful novel populated with characters that have nothing more to give of themselves than everything, and at all times. Kali’s Day travels exquisitely through (desperate) straits of violence, sex, sensuality, addiction, depravity, transcendental awakenings and physical transformations.
    The writing is passionate and precise. Bonny Finberg has crafted a pulsating and vibrantly alive place
    for all of us to dwell.” — Donald Breckenridge, author of This Young Girl Passing and You Are Here, and Fiction Editor of The Brooklyn Rail.

    “When it comes to characters, Finberg has a way of dangling the most enticing before our eyes—eccentric originals we’ve only glimpsed on the street. Androgynous, drug-taking, bohemian or transient—their lives are lived beyond the reach of us mere mortals,...

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  • Agents & Assets

    Price: $12.95

    Agents & Assets
    Witnessing the War on Drugs and on Communities
    Los Angeles Poverty Department

    AGENTS & ASSETS reenacts a 1998 hearing transcript from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence investigating alleged CIA involvement in
    crack cocaine trafficking
    into the Los Angeles
    area. This book contains
    the script for the reenactment,
    and a
    narrative constructed
    from transcriptions
    of panels and conversations
    that follow.

    (LAPD) was founded
    on LA’s Skid Row
    in 1985. It creates
    performances and
    multidisciplinary artworks
    that connect the
    experience of people
    living in poverty to the
    social forces that shape
    their lives and communities.
    AGENTS & ASSETS reenacts a
    1998 hearing transcript from
    the House Permanent Select
    Committee on Intelligence
    investigating alleged
    CIA involvement in
    crack cocaine trafficking
    into the Los Angeles

    Read more about: Agents & Assets  »
  • riverpeople

    Price: $20.00

    Peter Lamborn Wilson

    “Every map has its Night Sky because the Map is not the Territory — & yet it is….

    Ordinary maps project ideological inscriptions onto the body of landscape — but a magical map would share essences with that landscape & engage in co-realization with it. Such a map could then act as a pilgrim’s guide to the Profane or— Secular Illumination — a pagan theory of Sacred Earth as cartomantic spell. Looked at this way, even ordinary maps possess an “invisible” or nocturnal dimension, or rather a set of stars & asterisms that replicate or mirror its topography & hydrography in the sleeping sky — ‘As Above, So Below’ — sciences that (as Novalis says) will then have been poeticized.”river people is a long poem mixed with bits of prose, insurrectionary
    history, hydraulics, swimming holes, Big Indian,
    Oscar Wilde, the Woodstock witches, creeks, kills, vlys, lighthouses,
    ice yachts,...

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