Recent Books

  • Lightning Storm Mind: Pre-Ancientist Meditations

    Price: $14.95

    Lightning Storm Mind
    Pre-Ancientist Meditations
    Max Cafard
    Photographs by Michel Varisco
    “Max Cafard’s profound exercise in what he calls ‘anarchography’ is an attempt to say the unsayable (ineffable), a meditation in the form of fragments on the fragments left by the Greek philosopher Heraclitus. But Cafard, an obvious pseudonym with many associations (Kafka, blues, jazz, roaches etc.), interprets him in a radically dialectical way, particularly inspired by taoism, Zen, Surrealism, and certain strands of anarchism. Cafard offers a ruthless critique of things as they are on behalf of ‘divine justice,’ and claims persuasively that Heraclitus taught that opposition brings concord and at the heart of all things is “anarchic harmony.” Cafard champions nothing less than ‘the Custom of Chaos’ in this brilliant and profound series of original meditations, which not only provides new insights into the meaning of the philosopher’s work but touches upon some of the most important and urgent subjects confronting us today. It is further wonderfully illustrated by Michel Varisco’s photos of abandoned industrial landscapes in the Louisiana region and the life-affirming beauty of its trees,...

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  • The Temple of Perseus at Panopolis

    Price: $19.95

    The Temple of Perseus at Panopolis
    Peter Lamborn Wilson

    Book as magpie’s nest or mosaic made up of bits of other books, this work aims to give a thick impression of a single Egyptian city, Akhmim, called by the Greeks Panopolis, “city of Pan.’’ As a time machine, this book will take the reader back to the 5th century AD, when the last champions of Paganism were battling against the coming triumph of Christianity. Alchemy, Magic, Gnosticism, Greco-Egyptian religion, psychotropic ritual and other syncretistic elements mingled to give birth to Hermeticism, a still-living tradtion which provides us with the means to appreciate the voyage we will make into a Past that is not dead.

    6 x 9 trim, 398 pp., profusely illustrated
    978-1-57027-300-1, $19.95 list price

    ... Read more about: The Temple of Perseus at Panopolis  »
  • 2017 Autonomedia Calendar of Jubilee Saints

    Price: $9.95

    2017 Autonomedia Calendar of Jubilee Saints
    Radical Heroes for the New Millennium
    James Koehnline and the Autonomedia Collective

    Autonomedia’s Jubilee Saints Calendar for 2017! Our 25th annual wall calendar, with artwork by James Koehnline, and text by the Autonomedia Collective. Hundreds of radical cultural and political heroes are celebrated here, along with the animating ideas that continue to guide this project — a reprieve from the 500-year-long sentence to life-at-hard-labor that the European colonization of the “New World” and the ensuing devastations of the rest of the world has represented. It is increasingly clear — at the dawn of this new millennium — that the Planetary Work Machine will not rule forever! Celebrate with this calendar on which every day is a holiday!
    32 pages, 12 x 16 inches, saddlestitched price $9.95

    Buy two, and we will send a third calendar for free!

    ... Read more about: 2017 Autonomedia Calendar of Jubilee Saints  »
  • The Old Calendrist

    Price: $8.00

    The Old Calendrist
    Tracts for Our Time
    Peter Lamborn Kilson, Robert Kelly, Rachel Pollack, Charles Stein, Kim Spurlock

    “As you’ve no doubt guessed, we Old Calendrists are in fact a bunch of bitter rancorous aging hippies who used to believe in Flower Power and Dropping Out and Doing Your Own Thing, and we are now discontented and disgusted by PoMo Post-Civlization, reduced to cynicism and despair by the Triumph of Money and the technologization of consciousness itself. Nevertheless, although incapable of any facile optimism, we cling to our old anti-pessimism — and continue to hope that Time can be redeemed through strategic revolutionizing of the very system of its measurement — a return to a-chronic (neo) paleolithic laziness — a permanent vacation.”

    Saddle stitched, 36 pp., 7″ x 8.5″, two colors

    ... Read more about: The Old Calendrist  »
  • The Rat Hunt Boys

    Price: $19.95

    The Rat Hunt Boys
    Anna Mockler
    What remains of being human when everything is lost? After a cataclysm
    destroyed their world, the dregs of Charnholm made what
    lives they could along its stony coast. They toil to keep flesh on their bones,
    and to get clean water from the richards, who live in shelter caves high
    above the harbor, guarded by mercenaries. To amuse themselves, the
    richards hold Rat Hunts in which the boldest young dregs, the Rat Hunt
    Boys, spear plague-ridden vermin; always in danger of a thrust from the
    fangs of these mutant creatures. As the Hunt grows increasingly deadly, a
    conspiracy begins brewing to topple the elite and abolish the dangerous
    game. This is the tale of how they came to rebel, and what success they had.

    “In a society of dregs serving the richards in myriad roles — rope dancers,
    smiths, scutmen,...

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  • Night Shift

    Price: $13.00

    Night Shift
    Stories by Ron Kolm
    “Ron Kolm’s Night Shift stands alongside other wage-slave masterpieces like Charles Bukowski’s Factotum and Harvey Pecar’s American Splendor. Winking and grinning in the face of punch-clock death, Kolm finds a way to somehow stay alive and even to eventually triumph. One senses in these moving and sometimes hilarious little vignettes that Kolm wrote them in flagrante dilecto; a gypsy moth blue collar poet-scholar recording his emergence from sooty cocoon to winging oracle of the smokestacks, junkyards, tenements and roads of the national creep-scape.’’
    — Alan Kaufman, author of Drunken Angel; editor of The Outlaw Bible of American Literature

    “Kolm has always been a true NYC poet, with a sensitive urbanity and absurdist humor that barely looks both ways as taxis filled with rich yupsters swerve around downwardly mobile moppets with new wave beards. His is a voice that realizes the foreverness of beat vision. Where we all come together to love the noise of the great metropolis we are lucky to have this guy in the room.”
    — Thurston Moore,...

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