Recent Books

  • World War of Small Pastries

    Price: $10.95

    World War of Small Pastries
    Charles Fourier
    Preface by Peter Lamborn Wilson
    Translated by Shawn P. Wilbur & Joan Roelofs

    From the Preface by Peter Lamborn Wilson

    Fourier enjoys the honor of being the first thinker to push Rousseau to the logical conclusion of a complete condemnation of Civilization. Not only did he blame it for what we call Capitalism, he also saw it as the source of the evil of Work as “alienation’’ (to use Marx’s term). The fact that we must labor at what we do not love in order to “make a living’’ defines the essence of Civilization’s primal error.

    Fourier ascribed his big revelation to a rigorous application of Newton’s law of attraction, not just as a cosmic force but also as a social force. Fourier realized that Passion, far from being the cause of “sin,’’ might actually serve to enable the emergence of a human society (he called it Harmony) in which everyone does exactly as they please;...

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  • Cosmonauts of the Future

    Price: $25.00

    Cosmonauts of the Future
    Texts from the Situationist Movement in Scandinavia and Elsewhere
    Edited by Mikkel Bolt Rasmussen and Jakob Jakobsen

    This is the first ever English-language anthology collecting texts and documents from the still little-known Scandinavian part of the Situationist movement. The book covers over three decades of writing, from Asger Jorn’s Luck and Chance published in 1953, to the statements of the Situationist Antinational set up by Jens Jørgen Thorsen and J.V. Martin in 1974. The writings collected gravitate around the year 1962 when the Situationist movement went through it’s most dynamic and critical moments, and the disagreements about the relationship between art and politics came to a culmination, resulting in exclusions and the split of the Situationist International.

    The Situationists did not win, and the almost forgotten Scandinavian fractions even less so. The book broadens the understanding of the Situationist movement by bringing into view the wild and unruly activities of the Scandinavian fractions of the organisation and the more artistic,...

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  • In a Qu*A*re Time and Place

    Price: $21.95

    In a Qu*A*re Time and Place
    Post-Slavery Temporalities, Blaxploitation, and Sun Ra’s Afrofuturism between Intersectionality and Heterogeneity
    Tim Stuttgen

    Editors for the Tim Stüttgen Archiv: Max Jorge Hinderer, Liad Kantorowicz, Nicolas Siepen, Margarita Tsomou
    Lectorate and Editing: Daniel Hendrickson, Max Jorge Hinderer, Margarita Tsomou Assistance during the writing process: Katya Sander and Carsten Juhl, Layout: Nicolas Siepen
    Special issue of SUM magazine, in accordance with the publishing house of
    The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Visual Art, Copenhagen
    published by b_books, berlin and autonomedia, new york.

    ISBN 978-3-942214-16-2
    188pp., 7″ x 9.5{, color and b&w illustrations

    In this book Tim Stüttgen considers the paradigm of (post-)slavery as an important epistemological break within predominantely white Gender and Queer Studies, as well as within critical Film and Cultural Studies. Departing from what E. Patrick Johnson has proposed as a specifically intersectional »quAre«, instead of an »unmarked white queer perspective«,...

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  • The Essence of Jargon

    Price: $15.95

    The Essence of Jargon
    Alice Becker-Ho

    Translated by John McHale. Introduction by Roger Farr.

    A poet, translator, and co-editor (of the letters of her late husband, Situationist Guy Debord) who has written extensively on the etymology and history of European slang, Alice Becker-Ho examines argot as a form of self-defense from the State, a code for people who survived outside the law. “In slang, loan words are above all borrowings of one dangerous class from another; that these loan words, confirmed in different slangs, go back to common sources, themselves blended initially into a sort of melting pot before being redistributed via a host of different routes….”

    178pp. 6”x9” $15.95

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  • Taste: Nostalgia

    Price: $15.95

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  • Tactical Reality Dictionary

    Price: $9.95

    With The Tactical Reality Dictionary Konrad Becker presents a manual illuminating 72 of the most important terms in “Cultural Intelligence and Social Control.” In the “deceitful” order of a dictionary, we find short essays on key concepts from the technical terminology of “cyber-sociology”: “Ambiguous Information,” “Belief Networks,” “Consistent Illusions,” etc.Rigorously researched through authentic intelligence sources, this unique document presents shocking insights on the dark underbelly of crypto-psychology, and sheds a completely new light on culture and the media.The individual — long outpaced by the deluge of information and the power of the media — is helplessly exposed to propaganda and manipulation. The fear-driven desire for personal security and complete surveillance is contrary to the idea of individual autonomy, but the newest security technologies not only undermine privacy, they force their way into the most intimate and private zones of the individual. “A Leviathan-like scenario where man is forced to abandon his right of self-determination against personal security.” But this dictionary can be used differently…....

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