Recent Books

  • Paroxysm

    Price: $18.00

    “To many, Baudrillard’s writings are too abstract to comprehend and analyze; to some, they resemble poetry more than philosophical texts. Whatever one thinks of the man and his work, he is arguably one of the most controversial and stimulating contemporary French philosophers. This book, a series of interviews with him, can indeed be an effective way – especially for the novice reader of his work – to get an idea of his philosophy. The seven chapters cover various political, cultural, and philosophical issues ranging from the New World Order, Bosnia, and the Gulf War to Holocaust denial, human rights, and the nature of capitalism. Baudrillard’s philosophy centers on the criticism of traditional critical thinking. His thesis is that we live in an illusion, or a “hyperreality,” where reality is the illusion of truth. His diagnosis of contemporary issues and events sheds light on that philosophical thinking, which is identified with the post-Marxist intellectual Left. Highly recommended for academic collections.”-Ali Houissa,...

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  • Life Beyond the Market

    Price: $8.00


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  • Precarity

    Price: $8.00


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  • Let's Stop Beating Around the Bush

    Price: $19.95

    America in 2004 is color coded – and it’s not just a matter of red, white, and blue. The terror alert bounces from yellow to orange. The economy offers up a hundred shades of red ink. The environment is turning brown. National security is cloaked in gray shadows. And Jim Hightower covers it all with uncommon insight, political fearlessness, and laugh-out-loud humor. America’s #1 populist gives us Let’s Stop Beating Around the Bush – a hard-hitting, fact-filled review of the real state of the union that you won’t get from the establishment media. With his daily radio commentaries and award-winning monthly newsletter, no one has chronicled the madness of King George the W, the wimpiness of corporate Democrats, and the aggressive avarice of Wall Street with the thoroughness and tenacity of Hightower. Now he brings that investigative punch into this wild and woolly book of fiery essays. With his satirical “Six Perfectly Good Reasons to Re-elect George W. Bush;” his mix of damning indictments and uplifting stories;...

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  • Kilometer 0:

    Price: $19.95

    58 min

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  • Breaking the Bank

    Price: $19.95


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