Recent Books

  • Data Trash

    Price: $16.95

    Smelling the virtual flowers and counting the road-kill on the digital superhighway, Data Trash explores our obsession with cyber-culture, and our fascination with the disappearance of the human body in virtual reality. “We are data trash. And it’s good.”Arthur Kroker is the author of Spasm, The Possessed Individual and The Postmodern Scene, among others. A contirbuting editor of Mondo 2000 and co-editor of the electronic journal, CTheory, he is Professor of Political Science at Concordia University, Montreal. Michael Weinstein is Professor of Political Philosophy at Purdue Unhiversity, photography critic for New City in Chicago, and a rap poet.

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  • Processed World 2001

    Price: $10.00

    Talking Heads IntroductionFarce or Figleaf: The Promise of Leisure in the Computer Age analysis by R. Dennis HayesThe Filing Cabinet is on Fire tale of toil by Clayton PeacockIntellectual Property: The Attack on Public Access to Culture analysis by Howard BesserDistanced Education: Fast Times at Ronald McDonald U. analysis by Jesse DrewThe Disappeared of Silicon Valley tale of toil by Paulina BorsookGreen Days in the Concrete Jungle tale of toil by Ted WhiteTremble originally published in Jack Magazine poetry by James BrookMy Life in the Search Engine tale of toil by Netizen XBus fiction by Marina LazzaraSpace Wars analysis by Tom WetzelPoetry klipschutzI Live in the Past: The Rent is Cheaper! memoir by Zoe NoeHot Under the Collar: Notes from a Help Desk, York Univ. Strike, SilVal Debug reports by Wright, Shantz, FisherThe Great San Francisco Bicycle Protest of 1896 history by Hank ChapotPoetry Raven, Jim Fisher, Marjorie SturmThe Wiggle Mural interview by Chris CarlssonThe Billboard Liberators article by Jack NapierNotes on an Outstanding Day at Image tale of toil by Texas FrankBook Reviews by Chris Carlsson and Primitivo MoralesAlready a Winner!...

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  • DoubleAught

    Price: $15.00

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  • Child As Audience: Where Technology & Anarchy Fuck

    Price: $14.00

    The audio portion of the CD contains three new songs by Creation is Crucifixion (CIC) along with spoken word by Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) and ambient noise undertones by CIC. This book presents an analysis of the child as audience for activist targeting by both the critical theory and performance group CAE and the CDL. It also presents a complex and complete set of instructions including electronics schematics for reproducing the project. Included on the CDROM is a set of custom software tools needed to build your own GameBoy game and the ROM for the first game completed by the CDL. The texts of the book come with translations in Dutch, French, and German to accompany the English. This project represents the first such effort (by Creation’s website) HACTIVIST.COM to combine the media efforts of the CDL and the audience of CIC to deliver fully tactical and functional activist projects.

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  • Leaving the 20th Century

    Price: $20.00

    “It is high time to put an end to the dead time that has dominated this century and to finish the Christian era with the same stroke. The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom. Ours is the best effort so far towards leaving the 20th century.”In 1964, when thse words were written, they seemd to have little relevance. By 1968 ten million workers were on strike and France was near revolution – ‘Our ideas are in everyone’s minds.’If any single idea lay at the heart of May ’68 it was Situationism. The search for a ‘Northwest Passage’ from the banal tyranny of the modern bourgeois order into the ‘world that has never been’ was signposted most clearly by the Situationists. Through a thousand acts of refusal and rebellion, the route is revealed. The task was simple – to ‘reconstruct’ life itself.Published in 1974, Leaving the 20th Century was the first collection of Situationist writing in English. Chris Gray,...

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  • Good Bye Beautiful Mother

    Price: $5.00

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