Recent Books

  • Dreams of Anarchy and the Anarchy of Dreams: Adventures at the Crossroads of Anarchy and Surrealism

    Price: $24.95

    Ron Sakolsky

    The wild current of anarchy runs deeply throughout the oneiric river of surrealism. Here then is a book of dreams set in motion by the myriad historical and contemporary interactions between surrealism and one of its most marvelous accomplices: anarchism. A vast and comprehensive critical history, carefully documenting the fleeting and sometimes lengthy and troubled affiliations of scores of surrealist legends in France, Spain, North America, and elsewhere, not only with anarchism but also Trotskyism, Stalinism, council communism, anti-fascism, and indigenous cultures. Ron Sakolsky’s magnum opus.

    ... Read more about: Dreams of Anarchy and the Anarchy of Dreams: Adventures at the Crossroads of Anarchy and Surrealism  »
  • Marxism & Witchcraft

    Price: $24.95

    David Kubrin

    “Marxism and Witchcraft is a vitally important book, a tremendous resource for anyone interested in the question ‘How did we get into this mess?’ At this time of environmental meltdown, Kubrin’s careful analysis of how and why the mechanistic model was imposed on science, philosophy and Western culture is vital to our understanding what we must do to transform it. To see the world as alive again, infused with vitality and spirit, we must also confront the violence with which that worldview was stamped out — the Witch persecutions that assaulted women’s power and traditional modes of healing, the genocide against indigenous people in the Americas and dehumanizing African slave trade all worked together to break peoples’ ties to land, culture and a relational world view. Such understanding is vital for those striving to develop an intersectional critique of racism, sexism and structural oppression. Kubrin’s extensive knowledge of the history of science and the underlying politics behind the adoption of the mechanistic paradigm is a unique and valuable contribution....

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  • Hero in Art: The Vanished Traces of Richard Hambleton

    Price: $14.95

    Hero in Art: The Vanished Traces of Richard Hambleton

    Istvan Kantor

    Creator of three major multi-city street art series, Image Mass Murder, I Only Have Eyes for You and Shadow figures, Richard Hambleton is remembered as a visionary underground artist, a daring pioneer of urban interventionist art, a heroic idol of graffiti artists. Esteemed to be the godfather of street art, he was one of the principal players of the new wave of visual arts that erupted in New York’s East Village and its neighboring Lower East Side in the early 80s and gave rise to a new breed of defiant guerrilla fighters striving against conformist museum art. In this biographic novel, author Istvan Kantor aka Monty Cantsin, the founder of Neoism and an early friend of Richard Hambleton, tells the eventful, inspiring but also dark story of the world famous street artist and renegade junky. Through his own, sometime very personal experiences, added with recollections by others and fused into a dramatically flowing narrative,...

    Read more about: Hero in Art: The Vanished Traces of Richard Hambleton  »
  • Abraham

    Price: $16.95

    Abraham: A Novel


    “Charles Olson said that if he ever wrote about the American Civil War, he’d inscribe what he wrote to Frank O Hara. Sparrow’s Abraham does the opposite: it is the book that Frank O Hara would have written about the American Civil War if he’d lived upstate, attuned to the materiality of everyday life, listening to the ghosts hiding in books found in small town libraries and yard sales, and the clamor of history discovered in a parking lot in Boiceville, NY, while waiting for a ride home.’ Marcus Boon, author of In Praise of Copying

    “As the Civil War continues to play out in U.S. politics, what better time to delve into the life of the leader who brought us through the bloodiest version of our national strife? Sparrow converts his obsession with Lincoln into a deeply personal excavation of what we know and don t know and should know about our iconic president.”...

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  • Thibault or the Secrets of the Sea

    Price: $17.95

    Thibault or the Secrets of the Sea
    Peter Lamborn Wilson

    Along with Vanished Signs and Lucky Shadows, this volume contains all that Peter Lamborn Wilson wants to save of his Collected Poems, 1999–2014. In all he has published about 60 books, which have been translated into some 16 languages (the most recent being Greek) in such areas as sufi studies and Persian literature, alternate history, political theory and anarchism, art criticism, fiction and belles lettres. Among his next books will be Cauda Pavonis: Esoteric Antinomianism in Yezidi Tradition (Three Hands Press). He has lived in Hindoostan, Persia, England and Ireland, and now resides in the former Dutch colony of NE Turtle Island.

    6×9 inch trim, Paperback: 174 pages
    ISBN-13: 978-1570273674
    Price: $17.95

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  • 2020 Autonomedia Calendar of Jubilee Saints

    Price: $9.95

    Radical Heroes the for the New Millennium!

    James Koehnline and the Autonomedia Collective

    Autonomedia’s Jubilee Saints Calendar for 2020! Our 28th annual wall calendar, with artwork by James Koehnline, and text by the Autonomedia Collective. Hundreds of radical cultural and political heroes are celebrated here, along with the animating ideas that continue to guide this project a reprieve from the 500-year-long sentence to life-at-hard-labor that the European colonization of the New World and the ensuing devastations of the rest of the world has represented. It is increasingly clear at the dawn of this new millennium that the Planetary Work Machine will not rule forever! Celebrate with this calendar on which every day is a holiday!

    Calendar: 32 pages
    ISBN-10: 1570273693
    ISBN-13: 978-1570273698
    Shipping Weight: 8.3 ounces


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